Cotton growers have long faced an easily overlooked, major yield-robbing pest: nematodes!
Invisible to the naked eye, nematodes are microscopic roundworms that live in the soil and can colonize the root system of susceptible plants. There are thousands of species of nematodes but only a few are considered plant parasitic to cotton. These species include root-knot, reniform, lance, and sting nematodes. These nematodes damage cotton roots through a stylet by either stinging or feeding off them, reducing the plant’s ability to absorb water and nutrients. This leads to stunted growth, wilting, and reduced yield.
Management strategies for nematode control include crop rotation, planting nematode resistant varieties, and the use of chemical nematicides. If pressure is bad enough, a grower might need to use two or all three of these methods. There are no in-season rescue treatments.
Many cotton growers have found using an in-furrow nematicide, like Averland® FC from Vive Crop Protection, to be the easiest, most effective, and economical solution for combating plant parasitic nematodes.
In small plot research trials, Averland FC was evaluated against AgLogic 15g (Aldicarb) and Velum nematicide. Averland FC had comparable activity on reducing plant parasitic nematode counts over competitive products and untreated checks as well as comparable yields and had a higher ROI in several field trials.
“We used Averland on cotton and used it just like we would our Velum®. In the southeast, a cotton grower could definitely see an advantage to using Averland, not just for the chemical but for pricing,” says Georgia cotton grower Chris Martin.
“You’re talking about a $10/acre application that’s getting pretty good results on root-knot nematodes. You’re definitely getting a benefit of the savings and good activity.”
When a cotton farmer is preparing to plant their crop, they want to do all that they can to ensure the plant has everything that it needs and is protected from pests, including ones you can’t see.
Yield potential is determined early in the lifecycle of a cotton plant which is why it is crucial to protect cotton right from the start. Learn more about combating nematodes in-furrow in cotton by visiting
Always read and follow label directions. AVERLAND FC IS A RESTRICTED USE PESTICIDE. Velum® is a registered trademark of Bayer Group. AgLogic® is a trademark of AgLogic Chemical, LLC. Allosperse®, Averland® and Viloprid® are trademarks of Vive Crop Protection Inc.